Chinese New Year
Immerse yourself in the vibrant hues and joyous energy of our Chinese New Year event, where traditions come alive and community spirit shines in every snapshot.
Explore the spirit and camaraderie of CTSA through the lens of our event photo gallery, capturing unforgettable moments and the vibrant essence of Taiwanese culture at Cornell.
Immerse yourself in the vibrant hues and joyous energy of our Chinese New Year event, where traditions come alive and community spirit shines in every snapshot.
Gaze upon our photo of the Statue of Liberty, a towering beacon of freedom and hope, as it welcomes all with its steadfast gaze and uplifted torch against the backdrop of a sprawling cityscape.
Our photo captures the warmth and excitement of the new student welcoming party, where fresh faces and future friendships bloom under the glow of new beginnings.
The beauty of fall unfolds in a tapestry of fiery reds, glowing oranges, and golden yellows, each leaf telling a story of change and renewal.
Amidst ripples and laughter, our kayak event photo vividly portrays the thrill of navigating the waters, forging bonds with every paddle stroke under the sun's gentle embrace.
Invites you on a journey through the heart of our university, where historic buildings and verdant paths weave together the story of academic excellence and vibrant student life.
Behold the architectural elegance of the Flatiron Building, captured in our photo as it stands majestically against the sky, embodying an iconic piece of New York's urban landscape.
Gliding across the water with ease, our Stand-Up Paddleboarding event photo showcases the perfect blend of adventure and tranquility under the open sky.
The breathtaking panorama of skyscrapers piercing the sky, reflecting the ceaseless energy and aspirations of the city that never sleeps.
The glow of lanterns and the joy of shared stories under the full moon encapsulate the warmth of this cherished celebration, bringing us closer to home and each other.
Stretches across the skyline, a timeless emblem of innovation and connection, framed by the hues of the setting sun.
Sizzles with the warmth of good food and great company, capturing the essence of community as we share laughs and stories around the grill.
Any Person, Any Study
由 Ezra Cornell 和Andrew Dickson White 於 1865 年創辦,是八所常春藤盟校之一,代表色是紅與白,尤其是 紅色 (Carnelian) 常被用作主色,因此Big Red的暱稱也被廣泛使用於 任何與康乃爾有關的東西。吉祥物是一隻叫「Touchdown / Big Red Bear」的熊。每年均有超過百位臺灣人加入康乃爾大學的懷抱!
紐約州湯普金斯縣 (Tompkins County) 的行政中心
Eastern Time Zone,標準時間為 UTC-5
我們都知道 一定 有很多文件要準備!
紐約州是不可以直接使用我國國際駕照兌換當地駕照。建議去DMV考紐約當地駕照,選擇申辦Real ID可在美國境內作為我們的身分證明,搭乘美國國內航班!
申請F簽證,將會持有I-20;申請J簽證,將會持有DS-2019。請確認持有Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS)之I-901表格及簽證面試DS-160表格
SEVIS為留學生個人情報追蹤的自動系統,針對以進修為目的學生簽證(F、M)和持有文化交流簽證(J)入境人士身分資料統一管理的系統。請務必記得前往I-901 Fee網站填寫並繳費
請趕快至各大醫院的「旅遊門診」注射疫苗!可以去印Cornell Health疫苗表格,請醫生填寫,並請醫院用印。也可以請醫生登入至「全國性預防接種資訊管理系統」,再去衛生局申請「預防接種證明書」
全校所有的收費(學費、保險費、meal plan、Cornell Health)都是透過Cashnet進行扣款,他並不會自動扣款,一定要自行登入繳費,遲交是會有利息的!博士生請務必繳納Student Activity Fee!
請同學務必完成To-Do-List 進到網頁後,依照自己的身份選擇,並完成所有項目!
效期內護照、簽證、I-20 或 DS-2019、To-Do List 要求攜帶的資料、國際駕照(無肇事證明、臺灣的駕照)、信用卡
確實填寫海關申報表(CBP Declaration Form) (機組人員會在飛機降落前發表格給需要的旅客)。攜帶總金額超過 $10,000 須另外填寫 Customs Form 4790。含麻醉成分之藥物和注射藥物均須附處方證明。